Removing toxins

I am on a quest to remove as many unnecessary toxins in my life. It all began…

when my dad was diagnosed with cancer back in 1976 and subsequently passed onto glory July 1978 at the young age of 42.

Ronnie Denison & motorcycle

From then on my mom was even more determined to raise us as healthy as possible. She has always cooked us delicious food from scratch, learning new international recipes, and taking cooking classes to build her repertoire. Thanks, Mama, you inspire!

You see, my dad’s cancer began in his gut. Yes, he smoked, served overseas in the air force and was exposed to lots of stress at NASA in the era of getting an American to the moon. These all most likely played into his weaker immune system.

I was also a teenager in the age of everything natural is cool — the 70s. I wanted to be a “granola girl” and live as close to natural as possible without becoming a hippie. LOL!

It has been a slow journey of discovery, seeking God for guidance to care for this earthly temple, my body,  as a sacrifice of thanksgiving to my Creator Father God. You can ask my kids how often I fed them “healthy creations”, sometimes to their dismay, keeping sugars on the lowdown, but the proof is in the proverbial pudding — they are both health conscious, carrying the passion to further heights. They now teach me. How cool is that? So it has become a family legacy that began with my mum, who passed it to me and then I have passed it on to my kids and now it is being infused into my grandchildren.

So my motto has been for food — use items that are as close to the way God made it, staying away from additives, etc. It hasn’t been easy and since I am not a natural cook, often challenging.


My other value is saving money and reduce, reuse, recycle.

So this brings me now to the next level, trying to clean out the toxins I use on my body and in my house. It was fueled by a series about cancer that was probably a bit one sided on the natural way of handling cancer, but there were many lessons on how the body works and how chemicals affect us. I watched the ravages of radiation on my dad as he declined into a whisper of a man. Thankfully, I know that he is whole again with the Lord.

Scripture has some helpful healthy living information if one looks. But I won’t get into that in this sitting.

Before moving to the UK, I was blessed to attend a Refresh retreat with Aunt Diane in Switzerland. There I had a delightful Swiss couple as counselors and they specialized in health and nutrition. My only request was, please tell me how to age well. There were some fabulous lessons learned with them as well as lots of blessings of being with some very dear friends, one who is no longer with us anymore… Mari Ellen, I miss you.

So as you see this has been a journey. In college I started using natural beauty products, but slowly moved away from it somehow. I also got big into the benefits of blue green algae. Living overseas in Germany, a country known for doing things natural like Switzerland, taught me more about cooking from scratch and enjoying produce free from pesticides, as well as whole grains and seeds, like Flax-seeds.

Now I am in a season where I actually have time to explore and learn more.  With all the interest of the younger generation in living healthy and fair-trade there is a lot out there to discover. More research has been done on the benefits of coconut oil and essential oils. I actually have three sets of Germany oils to play with. I have a large kitchen drawer full of spices so easy to find here inexpensively in the UK.

So let the natural beauty and cleaners grow to new heights! I am enjoying the helpful site called Wellness Mama

Will you play with me in the land of grown-up natural chemistry? Please share your ideas and recipes for going chemical free.

And enjoy a cup of Redbush or Green Tea!
